22:26, Tuesday, September 9
lavender gray
medium spring bud
gray asparagus

For me music is not just about the sick beats or the way the lyrics rhyme but the story behind it is more important. Hence, the meaning behind the lyrics are important to me when I hear any kind of music.
Like, EXO's neat kinda way to portray the story. I love them especially because of that, aside from their other extras. Another one, Bangtan boys which I never expected from a hiphop boyband but they portray a deep reflection about life just by rapping and funky singing. I salute them.

For me, another important thing about music is a song that plays at the right time with how I feel at that time. Like, how Jonas Brother songs get to me because it relates to me at that time. Also, when I first broken hearted, On The Line by Demi and Jonas Brother really gets to me. I can't get it off me and everytime I hear that song it'll bring me back to exactly that time.

And yeah i'm seriously picky about this one. I mostly hear music more to the singer's voice. Like, I judge a music from the singer's own singing ability. If they can make me get goosebumps they caught my heart. Hee, that's why I love accapella very much. Pitch Perfect just perfect *0* I also can sing quite well so yeah I can be too picky sometimes, lol.

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