11:45, Friday, September 12
Pastel Purple
Pastel Pink

Hmm, in my opinion education is seriously important no matter what age you are. Oh, and because it's valuable you've to cherish it with your life. What I mean is, don't simply study to pass the test or to achieve your dream job. You've to be smart in using that knowledge too for the rest of your life. That's what we called smart learning. I personally dislike people who willing to cheat just to pass for certain subject, it's not worth it I tell you. Moreover when you're in University where everyone is desperate thinking about they're parents away or the burden they might have to take by their own after graduate. For the sake of your life and the rest of others, better not do that. Just simply study with all your might and put all your heart and effort to it so that you'll feel satisfied with your accomplishments. Even the littlest of all. And the most important thing of all is to work hard to gain it and just tawakal with your prayers, Inshaallah.

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